Human capital and its impact on employment quality: Sector and wage

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Human capital
Protected sector
Quality of the job
Young graduates.

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EL BARDIY, L., & LOUHMADI, A. (2017). Human capital and its impact on employment quality: Sector and wage. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 4(4), 408–419.


Abstract. This study analyzes the relationship between human capital, employment sector and wages in Morocco. We first analyzed the role of human capital in the explanation of employment sector; then, we estimated the impact of human capital on the probability of receiving a high salary; while controlling a range of socio-economic factors. As measures of human capital, we have included the level of diploma, the field of study and the language of study. In order to achieve the aim of the research, a coherent methodology has been adopted. We exploited primary survey data. It covers 98 graduates from the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Tangier – Morocco, that were contacted in 2015, after three years of graduation. The main conclusion of The multinomial logistic regression models is that the Master's level graduates (five years of higher education) are more likely to be in a protected sector and to have a high salary than licensee’s level graduates (three years of higher education).

Keywords. Human capital, Protected sector, Quality of the job, Salary, Young graduates.

JEL. A23, I26, J45, J46, C35.


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