The Distributions in Nature and Entropy Principle


Maximum Entropy
Long tail distribution
80 Pareto's rule
Zipf Law
Benford's law
Bell-like distribution.

How to Cite

KAFRI, O. (2016). The Distributions in Nature and Entropy Principle. Turkish Economic Review, 3(4), 542–550.


Abstract. The derivation of the maximum entropy distribution of particles in boxes yields two kinds of distributions: a "bell-like" distribution and a long-tail distribution. The first one is obtained when the ratio between particles and boxes is low, and the second one - when the ratio is high. The obtained long tail distribution yields correctly the empirical Zipf law, Pareto's 20:80 rule and Benford's law. Therefore, it is concluded that the long tail and the "bell-like" distributions are outcomes of the tendency of statistical systems to maximize entropy.

Keywords. Maximum Entropy, Long tail distribution, 20:80 Pareto's rule, Zipf Law, Benford's law, Bell-like distribution.

JEL. C62.


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