The Determinants of the Financing Decision: A panel Data Study of Listed Firm in Malaysian Stock Exchange (2005-2016)

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DELFOUF, S. (2016). The Determinants of the Financing Decision: A panel Data Study of Listed Firm in Malaysian Stock Exchange (2005-2016). Turkish Economic Review, 3(4), 668–676.


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impactofsome determinants on financingdecision,which effect the firm’s market value,since the primary objective of the financial management in the firms is to maximize its value in the financial market. Thus, before making any financial decision, we should know its influence on the value of the firm.To achieve the purpose mentioned above, the Malaysian companies which are listed in Malaysia stock exchange were selected, over the period 2005-2016. In this study, the data was collected using Thomson Reuter’s financial DataStream, to retrieve global financial data. This data collected was sorted, cleaned and organized using stata.14. Through appropriate statistical tools, which included descriptive statistics and the regression model.

Keywords. Corporate finance, Financing decision,Financial structure, Leverage, Firm’s market value.

JEL. G32, G33.


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