How do Different Age Groups Approach Work in Turkey?


Work values
Work centrality

How to Cite

SÖNMEZER, S. (2017). How do Different Age Groups Approach Work in Turkey?. Turkish Economic Review, 4(2), 149–166.


Abstract. The main purpose of this study is to understand the impact of age on work values and work centrality. The study was conducted in Istanbul, Turkey with the participation of 935 university graduate, corporate white-collar employees of large companies in Istanbul. In-depth interviews were conducted for the qualitative stage and a web-based survey was administered for the quantitative stage of data collection. An important contribution of this study is the emic items identified for the Turkish work context. These emic items are suggested to be incorporated to work values inventory for future research. The results indicated differences in work values among different age groups as well as changes among age groups in the level of importance of work.

Keywords. Work values, Work centrality, Age, Turkey.

JEL. J50, J60, J61.


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