Monetary policy transmission: Does the credit channel perform in Cameroon?


Monetary policy
GDP targeting
Credit channel

How to Cite

EKOMANE, J. L. (2017). Monetary policy transmission: Does the credit channel perform in Cameroon?. Turkish Economic Review, 4(4), 369–377.


Abstract. This article evaluates the monetary policy transmission through the credit channel in a macroeconomic GDP targeting approach with evidence in Cameroon. We use a macroeconomic approach based on the time series method. On data from the 1960-2012 period, statistical tests reveal the existence of successive causality between macroeconomic variables of the credit channel, confirming the existence of this channel in Cameroon. The Autoregresive vectors modeling (VAR) analysis then reveals a delay of two years in the GDP reaction from the monetary impulses, and that the credit channel is narrow with a low rate in Cameroon, a central African Developing country. 

Keywords. Monetary policy, GDP targeting, Credit channel, VAR, Cameroon.

JEL. E51, E52, E58, G32.


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