The Impact of Strategies in Supply Chain Management for Better Performance in Manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes

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ENRIQUEZ, L. A., CASTORENA, O. H., & ADAME, M. G. (2015). The Impact of Strategies in Supply Chain Management for Better Performance in Manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes. Turkish Economic Review, 2(1), 9–19.


This research aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of strategies in the the Supply Chain Management (SCM), Manufacturing for SMEs in Aguascalientes may have a higher yield. The analysis was performed through the design of an assessment tool aimed at managers through an empirical study in the period from August to December 2013. The methodology has been quantitative approach, as well as correlational and descriptive the sample is random. The expected results are intended to influence the decisions taken by the managers in their organizations to the SCM is still complex, it is more efficient through the implementation of strategies for increased output in manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes. In this sense, the expected results intended sizing how important the integration of strategies is in the practice of the SCM, and in turn, the impact of this influence on the Performance of Manufacturing SMEs. In this study, structural equation modeling technique was applied to support software EQS 6.1


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