Features of Formation of the National Income

How to Cite

SURKOV, S. A., & TROFIMOVA, E. G. (2015). Features of Formation of the National Income. Turkish Economic Review, 2(2), 123–126. https://doi.org/10.1453/ter.v2i2.167


Significant indicator of economic progress of the country is the specific income per capita. Experts consider such indicator important from the point of view of forecasting of economic development. Influence of various factors is presented in references, but influence of psychological indicators, in particular, influence of personal characteristics of the population isn't considered. On material of the population of various countries of the world features of formation of the national specific income per capita are considered. The assumption that a measure of professional qualities is linear superposition of level of competence, creative abilities and specific national wealth is made. For simplification of the analysis the sum of these indicators were used as a superposition prototype to a first approximation. It is established that the sum of competence-based indicators, factors of creative opportunities and an indicator of national wealth per capita forms a specialized indicator. It is revealed that this indicator is connected with specific GNP per capita on dependence with high coefficient of correlation. Dependence linearization increases this coefficient to 0.949. It is established that in process of the movement in a zone of the countries with more considerable development of economy, influence of this indicator increases as dependence in an initial look has square character.

Keywords. Specific GNP per capita, Competence, Ccreative abilities, Specific national wealth per capita.

JEL. A10, C00, E25, O15.



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