Over financial regulation and stability: Does it matters for bank efficiency in Nigeria?


Bank efficiency
Financial regulation

How to Cite

ENEMONA, J. O. (2021). Over financial regulation and stability: Does it matters for bank efficiency in Nigeria?. Turkish Economic Review, 8(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1453/ter.v8i1.2176


Abstract. Banks play a key and critical role in society, mediating resources and assets around the economy between surpluses and household spending on deficits. Therefore, they have a great responsibility for sustainability and prosperity. This study is motivated by the need to investigate whether competition, regulation and stability are important for the efficiency of the Nigerian banking system. Data sourced from the World Development Indicators between 1996 and 2017 was used. The results show a negative and statistically significant relationship exists between financial regulation and efficiency of the banking sector. However, further results show a positive and statistically significant relationship exists between financial regulation and stability in the system. Thus, the study concludes by emphasizing the importance of stability and bank performance matters in Nigeria.

Keywords. Bank efficiency, Financial regulation, Stability.

JEL. D81, D91, E71, G01, G41, H11, I18, Z18.


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