Exchange rate policy and sectoral competitiveness in Morocco: Vector autoregressive model


Exchange rate policy
Production structures
Diversification of exports.

How to Cite

BOUSALAM, I., KHATTAB, A., & SALMI, Y. (2021). Exchange rate policy and sectoral competitiveness in Morocco: Vector autoregressive model. Turkish Economic Review, 8(2), 34–44.


Abstract. The objective of this work is to study the exchange rate policy and its impact on sectoral competitiveness in Morocco. For this issue we used a VAR econometric model with annual data covering a period from 1990 to 2020. As a result of this study, we found that the exchange rate policy adopted and applied by the Moroccan monetary authorities showed that the real effective exchange rate experienced an appreciation that is, a loss of competitiveness. Thus, the monetary authorities have chosen the second course of action which is the gradual flexibility of the exchange rate regime and the improvement of the weak performance of exports. This is done through the diversification of production structures on the one hand and the diversification of exports on the other. Indeed, the overvaluation of the national currency results in a loss of competitiveness towards foreign countries, which means that domestic goods cost more than they should. Conversely, when the domestic currency is undervalued, this allows a gain in competitiveness.

Keywords. Competitiveness, Exchange rate policy, VAR, Production structures, Diversification of exports..

JEL. C01, C50, E10, E60, F02, F30, F41.


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