The UK prudential regulation authority’s valuation principles for equity release


Actuarial science
Black ’76 model
Equity release mortgage
No negative equity guarantee
Prudential regulation.

How to Cite

BUCKNER, D., & DOWD, K. (2022). The UK prudential regulation authority’s valuation principles for equity release. Turkish Economic Review, 9(1), 1–14.


In recent years the UK Prudential Regulation Authority has been involved in an ongoing discussion with equity release firms over the principles to be used in the valuation of equity release mortgages. The UK regulator proposed a set of such principles in its Supervisory Statement SS 3/17. These principles mark a major step forward in equity release valuation methodology. They are based on elementary pricing economics, their validity is easily established and they are easy to apply. They can be used to provide a cross-check on any proposed set of valuations and so test the reliability of the underlying valuation model or its calibration.

Keywords. Actuarial science; Black ’76 model; Equity release mortgage; No negative equity guarantee; Prudential regulation.

JEL. G20; G30.


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