A comprehensive monetary analysis of the U.S. during COVID-19


Money supply
Money multipliers
Monetary policy.

How to Cite

KRUPENIN, K., WU, K., LIU, K., BACON, M., McELHENNON, G., & QIAO, E. (2022). A comprehensive monetary analysis of the U.S. during COVID-19. Turkish Economic Review, 9(3), 243–275. https://doi.org/10.1453/ter.v9i3.2354


Abstract. As a response to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve implemented one of the most expansionary monetary policies in its history, renewing asset purchases under quantitative easing and supporting the economy using a wide range of other tools. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of the changes in the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve from February 26th, 2020 to April 7th, 2021 as well as an overview of the main actions taken by the Federal Reserve over the same period. The authors then analyze the impact of the activity of the Federal Reserve on the economy from the monetary perspective. In particular, the authors examine the expansion of the balance sheet of U.S. commercial banks, analyze credit counterparts of broad money, and conduct the golden growth rate analysis for broad money supply growth. The authors conclude the paper by analyzing changes in inflation expectations and Treasury yields.

Keywords. Money supply; Credit; Money multipliers; Monetary policy.

JEL. E50; E51; E52.


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