A survey of Venezuelan public opinion on the replacement of the Bolivar with either the U.S. dollar or the central bank of Venezuela with a currency board


Currency board
monetary reform

How to Cite

HANKE, S. H., & WU, M. B. (2023). A survey of Venezuelan public opinion on the replacement of the Bolivar with either the U.S. dollar or the central bank of Venezuela with a currency board. Turkish Economic Review, 9(4), 298–308. https://doi.org/10.1453/ter.v9i4.2397


Abstract. This paper describes the methodology and presents the results of a Datincorp survey on Venezuela’s economic crisis. The survey was carried out in March 2017. A majority of Venezuelans do not trust the Central Bank of Venezuela, and believe that immediate change is necessary.  A majority of Venezuelans also indicate that the implementation of dollarization or an orthodox currency board are not only the most desirable solutions in theory, but are also highly supported by Venezuelan public opinion.

Keywords. Currency board, dollarization, monetary reform, Venezuela.

JEL. E50; E42; P21.
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