Personal Marketing Plan and Its Influence on Employability

How to Cite

VARGAS-HERNANDEZ, J. G., & JIMENEZ, R. A. (2015). Personal Marketing Plan and Its Influence on Employability. Turkish Economic Review, 2(2), 104–110.


The objective of this paper is to review and analyze the main components of a personal marketing plan Engineers in Business Management Graduates ITLAC for better employability in the labor market. The analys is assumes that currently personal marketing has become an in dispensable tool to achieve professional and personal success, enabling graduates of this professional profile make selling your image to achieve their objectives and goals. The method used is descriptive analytic from a literature review. Finallya marketing personal marketing plan is proposed.

Keywords. Graduates, Employability, Personal image, The labor market and personal marketing plan.

JEL. I21, J44, L84, M31.


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