A critical review of regional economic integration in China

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RUI, W. (2015). A critical review of regional economic integration in China. Turkish Economic Review, 2(2), 88–103. https://doi.org/10.1453/ter.v2i2.298


Under the circumstances of economic globalization, regional economic integration has become the mainstream of current economic development for each country, so China has to pay more attention to it. The critical review on regional economic integration in China can lay a certain foundation and provide experience for the in-depth research. Main contents of regional economic integration are refined according to the previous studies and realities, including the integration of regional economic resource, regional economic entities and regional economic running environment. Efficiencies and inefficiencies of regional economic integration are summarized and analized. The combined of two pillars of regional economic integration including market and government are efficiently, and some of the effective measures implemented are also summarized to enhance competitiveness, improve efficiency, and achieve greater economic cohesion. The brief empirical research of west-China practice and prospects is provided to prove above viewpoint..

Keywords. Regional economic integration, Process and contents, Efficiencies and inefficiencie, Policy means.

JEL. O18, R10, R11.



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