Alexander Brem & Éric Viardot (eds.), Adoption of Innovation: Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation

How to Cite

AYDIN, G. (2015). Alexander Brem & Éric Viardot (eds.), Adoption of Innovation: Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation. Turkish Economic Review, 2(3), 196–202.


Abstract. The Adoption of Innovation:Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation book edited by Alexander Brem & Éric Viardot provides a contemporary look at innovation from a marketing point of view. Innovation has been a hot topic both for academicians and managers for the last twenty years may well remain an area of interest for years to come. The title of the book emphasizes basic topics that are covered in the book but it hardly represents whole coverage of the book. Each of the eleven chapters discusses a distinct aspect of innovation in marketing related issues. In this way the book offers its readers interested in a specific area an effective way of welcoming different aspects of it and helps in enabling the development of more comprehensive approaches to innovation. The research areas revealed throughout the book includes innovation and internal & external stakeholders, adoption of innovation, business model innovations, corporate vision and innovation. Comprehensive coverage of the book and up-to-date research carried out in diverse settings such as space ventures may be considered the basic strengths of the book. On the other hand, each chapter presented is a standalone study and consequently there are no cross-references between the chapters. This creates a certain degree of disparity and can be considered as the major weakness of the book. 

Keywords. Innovation, Marketing of Innovation.

JEL. M30, M31, M10.


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