Foreign-Invested Enterprises in China:

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HON, T.-Y. (2015). Foreign-Invested Enterprises in China:. Turkish Economic Review, 2(4), 305–320.



Abstract. The objective of this study was to illustrate the development and sustainability for foreign-invested enterprises in China.Banks would react to banking regulation of Basel III. The traditional loans are very costly in capital. Banks restrict lending and treat lending as a marketing tool. Foreign-invested enterprises will be difficult to get the traditional loans. The development of peer to peer (P2P) leading perform will be targeted for the foreign-invested enterprises’ new financing channel in China and the world. Also, brand name is the key factor for enterprise survival. It represents the commercial integrity. Foreign-invested enterprises can use the concept of creating shared value (CSV) as reference to sustain their business in China.


Keywords. Foreign-InvestedEnterprises, Peer to Peer (P2P), Creating Shared Value (CSV), China.


JEL. E22, M00, O10.


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