Abstract. Competition comes into prominence in health field as it is in all the fields in the world and in Turkey. The companies pursue the recently established information systems and market fit closely in order to increase the competitive power. Turkey is experiencing quite radical transformations in health-care sector during the last 10 years. In this sense, the objective of the study is to determine the usage level of Central Physician Appointment System (CPAS) within the scope of technology acceptance model. When the context of the model is examined, the degree of turning the positive perceptions such as benefits, convenience that the customers perceive from this technology when they came face to face with this technology, to attitudes and behaviors is measured. As a result of the research, the electronic appointment system, which has started to be applied within the health-care sector, was considered positively on the basis of benefits and convenience and in parallel with this the their attitudes behaviors were affected positively.
Keywords. Patient Satisfaction, Central Physician Appointment System,Technology Acceptance Model, Information Systems.
JEL. C38, I18, L88.
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