Donatella Strangio & Giuseppe Sancetta (Eds.), Italy in a European Context: Research in Business, Economics, and the Environment

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POSTIGLIOLA, M. (2016). Donatella Strangio & Giuseppe Sancetta (Eds.), Italy in a European Context: Research in Business, Economics, and the Environment. Turkish Economic Review, 3(1), 201–204.


Abstract. .“Italy in a European context” moved from a current research project of the EuroSapienza Research Center’s. The book adopts a multidisciplinary standpoint. Each single chapter investigates the role of Italy in pursuing the EU five targets by 2020 that are: the increase both of employment level and of R&D/ innovation expenditures, the energetic measures of climate change, the reduction of school drop-out rate and the counter actions against poverty and social exclusion. This work is divided into nine chapters and two sections. The first section is based on four chapters whose objective is to investigate EU economic policies and aspects that concern political and social inequality. The second section is based on five chapters whose objective is to investigate EU economic policies and aspects concerning business and environment.

Keywords. Economic History, Monetary Policy, Environmental Economics, Political Economy, Business, Management.

JEL. E40, N20, O21, M20, M30.


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