Zakah Management for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam

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Management of zakat
Poverty alleviation
Zakat recipients.

How to Cite

JAELANI, A. (2016). Zakah Management for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Turkish Economic Review, 3(3), 495–512.


Abstract. Concern for poverty is not new and has been the focus for centuries by historians, sociologists and economists. The cause has been identified, ranging from shortcomings in the administration of income support, until the injustice of the social and economic system. Various attempts have been proposed, from the reform of social security system for changes in the form of the socio-economic system. Because poverty is a multidimensional problem, solutions to poverty require a set of coordinated action, particularly through charity. Indonesia, which has a population with a large population, of course, the problem of poverty continues to be a problem in economic development. Nevertheless, the potential zakat Indonesia larger community and cooperation among stakeholders and government regulation is a solution to reduce the level of poverty in Indonesia. It is certainly different from the Brunei Darussalam to the level of a small population and large government revenues, management of zakat by MUIB in the form of cash grants, the capital of commerce, and others are implementable can solve the problem of poverty in this country.

Keywords. Management of zakat, Poverty alleviation, Zakat recipients.

JEL. E60, F52, G28, H27, H71, I30, N30.


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