Does Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis lead to the change in saving conclusion in Keynes’s General Theory?


Dual decision hypothesis

How to Cite

WU, C. K. (2017). Does Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis lead to the change in saving conclusion in Keynes’s General Theory?. Journal of Economics Library, 4(4), 552–560.


Abstract. Keynes’ General Theory (1936) is probably the most challenging economics book ever written, with an abundance of hypotheses, concepts and theories.  Twenty five years after its publication, Clower proposed an insightful explanation on Keynes, the Dual-Decision Hypothesis (DDH).  Hall (1978) and Flavin (1981) seemingly reached the conclusion that, under certain conditions, consumption was independent of income.  In contrast, Wu (2016) has shown that, change in saving has to be a function of income growth.  In fact, applying Wu’s corrected consumption for period t+1, it is possible to show DDH equations leading to Keynes’ change in saving (and disequilibrium) conclusion.

Keywords. Keynes, Clower, Keynesian, Disequilibrium, Dual decision hypothesis, Consumption, Martingale.

JEL. A10,  B2, B22, C20, E20, E60, F00.


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