Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Article and cover: Article should not contain any information (name, address, institution, e-mail address) about author(s). Besides, full article should be prepared according to the below mentioned writing guidelines and page numbers should not be given. Cover page should contain the title of article, information about the author(s)(if there is more than one author, for each of them-name, surname, title, institution, e-mail and address info, responsible author etc. should also be stated), abstract, key words and JEL codes. All the files should be sent in Word format. (Example: Full Manuscript, Cover Page)
- Conflict of Interest Statement: For each article sent to JEL, authors(for more than one author, the responsible author) are supposed to send a signed declaration in JPEG format in order to show there is not any conflict of interest between the institution/organization they work for and JEL. (Please click here for the document.)
Declaration of originality: Author(or responsible author) should prepare a signed declaration in JPEG format in order to show that the proposed work did not publish anywhere before, did not send anywhere in order to be evaluated, so that all work submitted must be author’s own work based on scientific ethic and must not be plagiarized from other sources.(Please click here for the document)
- The data set: In all applied works, all the data in Excel file and the links of these resources in Word file should be send and also both of them together should be sent in Zip format. (Click here for an example), (Click here for an .zip file).
- Table, graphs and supplementary materials: All tables, graphs, figures, maps and other visual materials that stated in the article should be given in "a separate Word file". This separate file should also contain all the supplementary materials at the end of the article. (click here for an example)
- Copyright transfer: An article that was decided to publish, when it is in publishing process, a signed document in JPEG format is asked from the author to transfer the copyright. (Click here for an example)
Copyright Notice
This article licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license (4.0)