Constructing a monthly GDP indicator for Suriname


Monthly GDP indicator

How to Cite

BHAGHOE, S. A., & ECKHORST, K. (2020). Constructing a monthly GDP indicator for Suriname. Journal of Economics Library, 6(4), 310–323.


Abstract. Advancements in data collection and data processing techniques revolutionized access to higher frequency data. A large body of literature focusses on these higher frequency data in advanced economies. In contrast, small less-developed economies often lack adequate and reliable databases of high-frequency economic indicators. We construct a monthly GDP indicator, using a well-established statistical methodology. To monitor the quality of the indicator, we treat it as an in-sample forecast with respect to December observation of GDP for 2012 -2018. The results show that the constructed monthly GDP indicator is reliable and therefore its methodology applicable in many small developing countries.

Keywords. Monthly GDP indicator, GDP.

JEL. C51, E30, E32.


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