The determinants of moonlighting in the context of falling wages in Cameroon: A bivariate structural Probit model analysis


Main job
Moonlight job
Probit model.

How to Cite

BIKOUE, S. M. (2020). The determinants of moonlighting in the context of falling wages in Cameroon: A bivariate structural Probit model analysis. Journal of Economics Library, 7(3), 106–122.


Abstract. The aim of this article is to analyse the determinants of moonlighting in the context of falling worker’s wages in Cameroon. From a sample of Cameroonian workers with a main job a bivariate structural probit model analysis shows that the participation in moonlight jobs is inversely correlated with the level of education and the female gender. But it is positively correlated with both the wage of the main job and age. Moonlighting seems to play a different role in the transition from working life to retirement in Cameroon compared to developed countries.

Keywords. Main job, Moonlight job, Wages, Participation, Probit model.

JEL. C44, D70, D81, D91, H12, M51, Q54.


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