Capability Approach: A Formal Introduction


Capability approach
Amartya Sen.

How to Cite

LEON, D. F. (2017). Capability Approach: A Formal Introduction. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 4(2), 215–218.


Abstract. The capability approach has been made operable and an example is the Human Development Index and the Multidimensional Poverty Index (Dotter & Klasen, 2014). However, its operable nature in the field of evaluation of specific dimension such as education, gender and poverty from a diffuse perspective is even broader (Addabbo, Di Tommaso & Facchinetti, 2004; Martinetti, 2006; Addabbo & Facchinetti, 2013). In this sense, this article aims to provide a very brief formal aproximation to the capability approach, mainly focusing on some their fundamental concepts.

Keywords. Capability approach, Functioning, Amartya Sen.

JEL. I31, I32, D63.


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