“Porter vs Krugman”: History, Analysis and Critique of Regional Competitiveness


Michael Porter
Paul Krugman
Regional Competitiveness

How to Cite

ALEXANDROS, P. N., & METAXAS, T. (2016). “Porter vs Krugman”: History, Analysis and Critique of Regional Competitiveness. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3(1), 65–80. https://doi.org/10.1453/jepe.v3i1.657


Abstract. The subject of this study is to determine the competitiveness through an interdisciplinary approach of the theories of the new economic geography and regional economy. This article describes in detail the theory of competitiveness, which is defined differently by many authors, with particular emphasis on opposing views of Michael Porter and Paul Krugman. One of the first writers who stressed the importance of the geographical position was Michael Porter. In his model, the author emphasizes that the geographical concentration of firms enhances productivity, innovation and export sector. Following this theory, many authors have focused on the research of the "location problem ", which led to better connection of economics and geography. The result of these activities is the new guidelines that have been developed, such as the new theory of economic geography and regional economy. The new economic geography is mainly related to the Nobel prized, Paul Krugman, whose theories often conflict with those of Porter. This study initially sets out the views of both authors, in terms of competitiveness and then attempts to make a comparative analysis between the theories they developed.

Keywords. Michael Porter, Paul Krugman, Regional Competitiveness.

JEL. R11, R19, R38.



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