The challenges of researching corporate power: The case of Shell Petroleum Development Company in Nigeria (SPDC)


Transnational corporations
Liquefied natural gas
Multinational energy corporations

How to Cite

EGHAREVBA, E. S., & OVENSERI-OGBOMO, F. O. (2019). The challenges of researching corporate power: The case of Shell Petroleum Development Company in Nigeria (SPDC). Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 6(2), 181–192.


Abstract. The research on Transnational Corporations (TNCs) in Nigeria is encumbered or fraught with methodological challenges. Thus, this paper which relies on desk research, unveils the conceptualization of TNCs, Corporate Powers and the Doctrine of Domicile thereby interrogating the methodological encumbrances – (security, secrecy and access challenges) experienced in conducting researches on the modus operandi of TNCs in Nigeria with focus on Shell Petroleum Development Company in Nigeria (SPDC). The consideration of Transnational Corporations’ exploration of the lacuna created by weak or moribund state institutions, escalating corruption, lack of adequate knowledge of rights and double standards become sacrosanct in bringing about ease in the challenges of researching corporate power. The paper argues that in weak African states, the doctrine of domicile manifests through threat of divestment, undue influence on government, casualization of workers, corrupt practices and tax evasion where corporate power employ hegemonic tendencies in pursuit of  its profit maximization drive..

Keywords. Transnational corporations, Liquefied natural gas, Multinational energy corporations, OPEC, SPDC.

JEL. H11, H50, C13, C22.


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