China’s enterprises in Africa: Market entry strategies, implications for capacity building, and corporate social responsibility

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China’s enterprises
Corporate social responsibility
natural resources
Export-import bank
London inter-bank offered rates
Entry strategies
One belt
One road (OBOR)
Belt and road initiative (BRI)

How to Cite

ANYU, J. N., & DZEKASHU, W. G. (2019). China’s enterprises in Africa: Market entry strategies, implications for capacity building, and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 6(2), 172–180.


Abstract. The quest for Africa’s natural resources can be traced when the Portuguese set foot on African soil some 600 years. This was followed by Western Europeans and now China.  Africa is endowed with huge reserves of mineral and natural resources. These have been the constant attraction to foreign countries seeking to control these natural resources and trading. Globalization further made the new scramble for Africa eminent. New plays including China are developing and employing new strategies on how to enter and control these new markets. Chinese enterprises employ the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) market entry strategies to penetrate the African Market. This has alarmed the West.

Keywords. China’s enterprises, Corporate social responsibility, Africa, Markets, natural resources, Export-import bank, London inter-bank offered rates, Entry strategies, One belt, One road (OBOR), Belt and road initiative (BRI), UN, West, EU, ILO.

JEL. C32, C53, E44, G21.


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