Transnational Entrepreneurship: A Interview with Lebanese-American Restaurateur Charbel Saliba

How to Cite

MUNOZ, J. M. (2015). Transnational Entrepreneurship: A Interview with Lebanese-American Restaurateur Charbel Saliba. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 2(2), 342–346.


Literature on transnational entrepreneurship, while expanding, leaves much to be desired. For instance, there is paucity of qualitative surveys that capture the “voice” of a real life transnational entrepreneur. This article aims to contribute to the academic and business literature by showcasing the viewpoint of a Lebanese-American transnational entrepreneur. Charbel Saliba is a successful ethnic restaurant owner in Illinois, USA. Through an interview conducted by Dr. J. Mark Munoz of Millikin University, with the assistance of business student Matthew Herek, Saliba shares his thinking on transnational entrepreneurship and its implications on his business..

Keywords. Transnational entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, International business.

JEL. L26, M16.


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