Cybernetic Model of Voting Behavior


Voting behavior
Political parties

How to Cite

SAXENA, S. (2017). Cybernetic Model of Voting Behavior. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 4(1), 87–104.


Abstract. The purpose of this research paper is to review the theories on voting behavior. Apart from providing a brief review of the theories, the main contribution of this research paper lies in drawing a parallel between customer decision-making models of Marketing Management domain in the discipline of Business Administration and invoking the same as a separate theoretical viewpoint here with reference to the voters’ decision-making. Finally, the paper gives a model of voting behavior from a cybernetics model perspective wherein the role of social factors as well as personal factors is underlined as to how they influence the individual voter in response to the broader environmental factors like the national and international policy factors.

Keywords. Voting behavior, Political parties, Cybernetics.

JEL. D72, P20, C70.


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