Globalization, political orientation and wage inequality: From Donald Trump’s election to Angela Merkal’s re-election


Wage Inequality
International Trade.

How to Cite

MAMOON, D. (2018). Globalization, political orientation and wage inequality: From Donald Trump’s election to Angela Merkal’s re-election. Turkish Economic Review, 5(1), 12–21.


Abstract. The recent election results in US, Germany, Japan and China and vote for BRIXIT in Britian suggest that political outcomes increasingly relate to the economic, political and social orientation in both developed and developing countries. Countries that have not promoted social and economic harmony in the country - democracy eventually puts the pressure through the discontent local polity resulting in election outcomes similar to US presidential elections in 2016. To avoid anti-globalization feelings among local population and its negative outcomes, improving political orientation towards greater participation of local polity and investments in education in developing countries would result in more equality. The research is applicable to countries like India, China, Pakistan, Argentina, Sub-Saharan Africa who have all liberalised but still need to draw lessons from East Asia for their Industrialisation and Growth Promotion with early emphasis on Social and Institutional Development. 

Keywords. Democracy, Autocracy, Wage inequality, International trade.

JEL. E24, F40, J30.


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