An introduction to the theories of national and regional economic development


Economic development
Economic growth
Human development
Development economics
Social progress.

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2018). An introduction to the theories of national and regional economic development. Turkish Economic Review, 5(4), 350–358.


Abstract. This conceptual paper analyses the concept of development that is a process of progressive growth that generates a transition from simple to complex system. In economics, development is a multidimensional process that generates changes in economic, political, social and institutional structures to support an accelerated growth and improvementof nations for achieving and sustaining a comprehensive wellbeing of people in society. Some theories of economic development are briefly discussed, considering national and regional economic systems. Finally, some critical contradictions of the process of economic development in society are discussed to conclude this study.

Keywords. Economic development, Economic growth, Human development, Development economics, Social progress.

JEL. F63, O10, O20.


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