The effect of foreign trade on economic growth: The case of Turkey


Economic growth
Error correction model.

How to Cite

KARAGÖL, E. T., & KAVAZ, İsmail. (2018). The effect of foreign trade on economic growth: The case of Turkey. Turkish Economic Review, 5(4), 387–401.


Abstract. In this study, the causal relationships between export, import and economic growth in Turkey are analysed, using quarterly data from 1987 to 2017. In order to examine these relationships a number of econometric methods are applied, such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test, Johansen Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test based on the Error Correction Model. The results show that all variables are stationary in the first difference. Furthermore, the validity of long-run relationships among variables is found by the Johansen cointegration test. Since the cointegration is observed between series, the Error Correction Model is used to determine the causality. The empirical findings from the causality test suggest that there is short-term bidirectional causality between economic growth and import in Turkey. On the other hand, according to the Error Correction Model, there is a long run unidirectional causality from economic growth to export in Turkey.

Keywords. Export, Import, Economic growth, Cointegration, Causality, Error correction model.

JEL. E40, F32, F36, G15.


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