Analysis of the Development of Accounting in Kosovo

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UC, M., & MALIQI, A. (2015). Analysis of the Development of Accounting in Kosovo. Turkish Economic Review, 2(3), 141–151.


Abstract. This research aims to describe the Kosovo’s accounting regime by comparing its previous and present status which is developed a lot during recent years. The developments occurred because of the need to track and record accounting information in an efficient way toward the purpose of decreasing the violation of government regulations and increasing the consciousness of accountants in this field. Therefore it is crucial for the accounting system to function in an appropriate way, because it is directly related to the economical development and good organization of the financial market in the state of Kosovo. Since the state is still passing through the period of transition, many changes have occurred on the principles of the accounting system.The methodology used while making this research is the semi-structured interviewing. By this method the literature of Kosovo was reviewed and the results and findings are based on consultations with business firms, professionals at the field of accounting and also books related to accounting development.The final results obtained through this research clarify the situation of development of the accounting system in Kosovo and it explains that there is a huge difference between the previous and current accounting performance which is highly noticeable and that the present status is satisfactory.

Keywords. Accounting regime, Economy, Kosovo, Accountancy.

JEL. M41,M51, M20.


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