Parthasarathi Shome, The G20 Development Agenda: An Indian Perspective


Economic development
Macroeconomic analysis.

How to Cite

CHAKRABORTY, D. (2016). Parthasarathi Shome, The G20 Development Agenda: An Indian Perspective. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(3), 516–518.


Abstract. In the aftermath of the global economic crisis during 2008-09, the group of 20 nations (G20) came together to implement a series of macro-economic and financial sector reforms to bring the world economy back on the path of stability. India, given its growing GDP and increased external sector orientation, became a crucial part of the group. Once the recovery process started since 2010, G20 moved on to adopt a series of development agendas, including provisions on food security, infrastructural augmentation, energy and environmental sustainability and so on. Given India’s unique position that allows coexistence of economic growth with livelihood challenges and considerations over environmental degradation, the new G20 development agendasmay significantly influence the country’sfuture policy choice and growth path. In this context, the recent volume edited by Shome is a well-structured and timely contribution to the literature, which analyses the G20 development agendas from an Indian perspective.

Keywords. Economic development, Macroeconomic analysis.

JEL. F63, O10, O20, O50.
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