Abstract. The advent of artificial intelligence in the modern economy will revolutionize the workplace of tomorrow. It will alsocreate never-seen-before challenges for leadership. The current leadership theory is extensive but it does not address on how to lead in a workplace composed of intelligent machines. However, it can be observed that leadership theory tends to develop in tandem with the developments in technology - metaphorically termed as will of the machine in this article. Specifically, two phases of leadership require analysis. First, the leadership needed to lead firms through the great transformation from industrial/information to a cognitive economy. Second, leadership needed to manage and lead firms once a relative degree of stability and maturity is reached where intelligent machines occupy the central positon in the workforce. While extensive work exists in leadership theory, this article fills the gap that bridges thefield of applied artificial intelligence with the leadership theory.
Keywords. Innovation capital, National wealth, Intangible assets, Economic growth.
JEL. M10, M11, M14.
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