Commenting on Interorganizational Relationship in Franchising Systems: Governance for Learning and Collaborative Research

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Interorganizational relationship
Franchising system
Governance for learning
Collaborative research.

How to Cite

LIU, C.-F. (2017). Commenting on Interorganizational Relationship in Franchising Systems: Governance for Learning and Collaborative Research. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 4(1), 94–97.


Abstract. Inter-organizational relationship is increasingly important for modern business world because of its benefits for efficient integration for resources from various parties, facilitation for new knowledge creation, and synergetic use of the collective decision, action and idiosyncratic capabilities. I tend to offer a conceptual discussion for the connections among inter-organizational relationship, governance for organizational learning, and collaborative research in a franchising system context. Important research imperatives were proposed finally.

Keywords. Interorganizational relationship, Franchising system, Governance for learning, Collaborative research.

JEL. M10, M11, M14.


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