ECOWAS treatise and protocols: Impact on regional cooperation and integration in West Africa



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IBRAHIM, S. G., OBIAGELI, N. L., & BIBI F., F. I. (2017). ECOWAS treatise and protocols: Impact on regional cooperation and integration in West Africa. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 4(3), 222–233.


Abstract. The paper delves into the treatise and protocols of ECOWAS, it also analyses the significance of such protocols to the survival of the organization and betterment of the peoples of the region. Using historical descriptive research from library instrument, findings show that, the organization is doing well in terms of integration, but there still remain some challenges. The paper concludes that, the creation of ECOWAS by the member-states on 28th May, 1975, was to promote cooperation and integration among members especially as it relates to the economic affairs of the sub-region. The community has through its various treatises and protocols ensured that this objective is attained as a result the sub-region is more integrated than it was before the creation of the Community though not without challenges. The paper recommends that, the number of road blocks on the sub-region’s highways should be reduced to give citizens access to travel within the Community with ease, among others.

Keywords. Treatise, Protocols, Regional, Cooperation, Integration, Impact.

JEL. A10, F15.


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