Evaluation of Bulk Cargo According to Turkish Maritime Transportation


Bulk cargo
Turkish trade
Turkish fleet
Maritime transportation.

How to Cite

İNCAZ, S. (2017). Evaluation of Bulk Cargo According to Turkish Maritime Transportation. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 4(2), 182–187. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v4i2.1331


Abstract. Maritime transportation offers new opportunities and challenges for all the countries. The many advantages of maritime transportation are more than other transportation types. Maritime transportation is the backbone of the World Economy. It is generally believed that nearly 90% of world trade is carried by sea.  According to UNCTAD records – world seaborne trade volumes were estimated to have exceeded 10 billion tons annually with bulk cargo. In 2015, dry cargo shipments accounted for 70.7 per cent of total seaborne trade volumes. Because of this high quantity, in this paper aims to discussed the importance of bulk cargo in Turkish trad.

Keywords. Bulk cargo, Turkish trade, Turkish fleet, Maritime transportation.

JEL. L91, R40, R41.



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