How climate and agriculture fares with food security in Pakistan?


Food security index
Food production index

How to Cite

MAMOON, D., & IJAZ, K. (2017). How climate and agriculture fares with food security in Pakistan?. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 4(4), 307–327.


Abstract. In this paper we measure all the components of food security.  The objective of the study is tomeasure the impact of Area under cultivation, Mechanical inputs, and Average Rainfall (mm per year) on food security index. Auto-regressive distributed lagged model (ARDL) is used in both models. In model 1 the data is from 1990-2014 and in model 2 the data is from 1973-2014. On the basis of our analysis we suggest that agricultural factors are significantly affecting the food production in case of Pakistan.

Keywords. Food security index, Food production index, FIMI, ARDL.

JEL. F60, F63, F66.


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