What are the most important factors that influence the changes in London Real Estate Prices? How to quantify them?


Real estate market
Real estate price.

How to Cite

GU, Y. (2018). What are the most important factors that influence the changes in London Real Estate Prices? How to quantify them?. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 5(1), 18–24. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v5i1.1609


Abstract. In recent years, real estate industry has captured government and public attention around the world. The factors influencing the prices of real estate are diversified and complex. However, due to the limitations and one-sidedness of their respective views, they did not provide enough theoretical basis for the fluctuation of house price and its influential factors. The purpose of this paper is to build a housing price model to make the scientific and objective analysis of London's real estate market trends from the year 1996 to 2016 and proposes some countermeasures to reasonably control house prices.  Specifically, the paper analyzes eight factors which affect the house prices from two aspects: housing supply and demand and find out the factor which is of vital importance to the increase of housing price per square meter. The problem of a high level of multicollinearity between them is solved by using principal components analysis.

Keywords. Real estate market, Real estate price.

JEL. L85, R30, R33.



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