New rules of the game in the economy on the basis of the moral concept of institutionalism


Economic policy
Electronic distribution
Human economic.

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CHARNAVALAU, A. V., & CHERNOVALOV, P. V. (2018). New rules of the game in the economy on the basis of the moral concept of institutionalism. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 5(2), 94–104.


Abstract. The article deals with the question of what person’s properties lie at the basis of liberal economic policy of free money and commodity exchange dominating at present and which of them will form a basis for the future centralized electronic distribution realized by means of activities of the specific economic regulator. The authors offer methods of implementation of economic policy specific to the countries whose citizens are oriented to group behaviour and have economic habits, customs and principles different from the western ones. Methods of transformation of inflation market economy into deflationary distribution one are considered, moral characteristics of each of the studied models of human economic activity are estimated. New institutions and economic instruments of ensuring internal economic energy of development and its intersubject and intercountry overflows replacing those of money ones are offered.

Keywords. Institutions, Transformation, Economic policy, Inflation, Deflationary, Electronic distribution, Human economic.

JEL. B25, B41, C15.


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