Reflections of Globalization in Society Today

How to Cite

MOURA, M. L. (2015). Reflections of Globalization in Society Today. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 2(1), 9–17.


There is a growing global impoverishment. Some claim that the increasing number of street children and youth, especially observable in the world's poorest countries, was one of the consequences of globalization. The article aims to explore and provoke a reflection on globalization in developing countries. Globalization or globalization as it is referred to in recent decades is more a process of global meltdown, striking and explicit, in the fields of economy, culture and politics, the process followed by a remarkable loss of meaning of power of nation-states. The opening of markets in emerging countries has caused a profound change in the economy closing industries that could not compete globally. Question the globalization of poverty and underdevelopment caused and reinforced by the accumulation of wealth and somehow still not discovered how the people can benefit in some way.


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