Analyzing the factors affecting the use of digital signature system with the technology acceptance model


Digital signature
Technology acceptance model
Theory of planned behavior
Structural equation model.

How to Cite

AYDIN, S., ÇAM, H., & ALIPOUR, N. (2018). Analyzing the factors affecting the use of digital signature system with the technology acceptance model. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 5(4), 238–252.


Abstract. Digital signature is a mechanism that is becoming widespread in the world thanks to its efficiency in electronic environments. The main purpose of the research is to reveal the variables that affect the perception and behaviors of the users using the digital signature system with technology acceptance models to determine the degree of impact of each variable and conceptualize these variables under a structural model. In this regard, 463 questionnaires collected from academic and administrative personnel working at Ataturk and Gümüşhane universities were analyzed. According to analysis results, anxiety has a negative impact on perceived usefulness. It has been obtained that perceived usefulness has a positive effect on attitude, and perceived ease of use does not have a significant effect on attitude. In addition, in the adoption of digital signature technology, it has been seen that personnel actual use is affected by intention to use with a rate of 88.1%.

Keywords. Digital signature, Technology acceptance model, Theory of planned behavior, Structural equation model.

JEL. C38, M10, M15, M19.


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