Effect of Information Technologies Investments to The Future Plans: A Research in Health Institutions


Information technologies
Health institutions
Patient satisfaction

How to Cite

YALÇIN ASLAY, F., & ÇAM, H. (2016). Effect of Information Technologies Investments to The Future Plans: A Research in Health Institutions. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(1), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v3i1.612


Abstract. Information Technologies is a factor that take place at the center of the lives of companies and human lives and that have the greatest positive share in easing the lives.  While reaching information is considered to be the most important skill both for companies and people, the tool used in reaching and storage of information is technology. The development of the technologic developments in the world without slowing down, affects the service industry as well as all the other industries. Health institutions that have a great share in service industries have to follow the innovations and technological developments closely in order to survive in competitive market conditions and therefore they should make their plans in in accordance with these developments. In accordance with these statements, the aim of the study is; to search whether the information technology investments of health institutions in order to ensure customer satisfaction and sustainability correspond to the future plans or not. For that purpose, health institutions located in cities Gümüşhane and Trabzon in Eastern Black Sea Region, constitute the universe of the research. The data of the universe is obtained by survey data acquisition technique. Reliability and validation analyses were applied with definitional statistical analyses to the data obtained and the optimal scale structure for the structural model is attained. Goal oriented structural model is analyzed with structural equation model and AMOS 20 and SPSS 20 package programs. In accordance with the factors obtained as a result of the research it is stated that; factors such as information structures of the health institutions, information technology usage levels of the health institutions, information technology perceptions of the health institutions, the usage level of health institutions during decision making processes and technology compliance of health institutions are effective on the future plans of the health institutions.

Keywords. Information Technologies, Health Institutions, Technology, Patient Satisfaction, Planning.

JEL. C38, I19, L52.



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