Lessons learnt for Rwanda from China’s poverty reduction strategies: Policy analysis review

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Poverty reduction

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BIKORIMANA, G., & SUN, S. (2019). Lessons learnt for Rwanda from China’s poverty reduction strategies: Policy analysis review. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 6(2), 52–98. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v6i2.1884


Abstract. The present study analyzed the possible lessons to learn in Rwanda from the China performance experiences in poverty reduction tragedies. Over the last 35 years, China has impressively made enormous treads in its fight averse to poverty as it has changed in one of the greatest vibrant economies in the global. The China success in poverty reduction is dedicated largely to different economic reforms which lead to economic growth, implementation of poverty lessening strategies, rural development programs and as well as open door policies. Recently, China has been serving as an economic role model for many developing countries including African states due to its substantial progress in fighting against poverty.  In the same way, Rwanda is still struggling with a high rate of poverty even if there is a huge achievement but still there is a long journey to go. The growing cooperation between China and Rwanda are frequently elucidated by the country's call for its natural resources to be based on country development, China is an astonishing example which clearly indicates how a country can revolt from poverty within a decade and be a leading performer on the worldwide scene. From this perspective, there are some policy lessons that African countries including Rwanda can learn from the socio-economic transformation success of China. Even if Rwanda has been gradually facing the developmental restrictions which China did not, and given that the background for Rwandan country differs too much with China, it is worthwhile to draw important lessons from China's success story on how it escaped millions of its population from poverty.

Keywords. Poverty reduction, Strategy, Policy, Rwanda, China.

JEL. H50, H70, I38.



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