Theories of the evolution of technology based on processes of competitive substitution and multi-mode interaction between technologies


Evolution of technology
Technological evolution
Technological change
Technological progress
Technological advances
Technological parasitism.

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2019). Theories of the evolution of technology based on processes of competitive substitution and multi-mode interaction between technologies. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 6(2), 99–109.


Abstract. Evolution of technology is a stepwise advancement of a complex system of artifact, driven by interaction with sub-systems and other systems, considering technical choices, technical requirements and science advances, which generate new and/or improved products or processes for use or consumption to satisfy increasing needs and/or to solve complex problems of people in society. This study explains evolution of technology with two different approaches: theories based on processes of competitive substitution of a new technology for the old one and theories considering a multi-mode interaction between technologies, such as the theory of technological parasitism. These theories described here can encourage further theoretical and empirical exploration in the terra incognita of the evolution of technology to explain economic and social change in human society.

Keywords. Evolution of technology, Technological evolution, Technological change, Technological progress, Technological advances, Technological parasitism.

JEL. F34, F43, F63, C01.


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