Human capital earnings functions: The Portuguese case


Earnings functions
Returns to schooling
On-the-job training
Male-Female earnings/wage
Earnings profiles.

How to Cite

MARTINS, A. P. (2019). Human capital earnings functions: The Portuguese case. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 6(3), 161–191.


Abstract. It is the purpose of this research to present some estimates of human capital earnings functions for Portugal, using published data on mean earnings by age, education and sex. We provide estimates of the implicit rates of return to human capital - schooling and general O.J.T. Differential effects by sex are discussed. An application of the methodology is used to analyze returns differentials between different schooling categories. Research on the specification of the earnings-experience profiles is also performed.

Keywords. Earnings functions, Returns to schooling, On-the-job training, Male-Female earnings/wage, Differentials, Earnings profiles.

JEL. J31, J42, J24, J16.


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