Jamaica’s currency board, 1920-1961, and a comparison with its central bank


Currency board
Central bank.

How to Cite

GUPTA, E., AURAN, M., & FRANKENFIELD, D. (2019). Jamaica’s currency board, 1920-1961, and a comparison with its central bank. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 6(3), 228–254. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v6i3.1932


Abstract. We describe the history of Jamaica’s currency board system, which existed from 1920 to 1961; test how orthodox the currency board was; and compare some features of the currency board and the Jamaican economy during the currency board period to the Bank of Jamaica and to the Jamaican economy under central banking.

Keywords. Jamaica, Currency board, Central bank.

JEL. E52, N16.


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