Exploitation in a disruptive and unjust gig-economy


Disruptive technologies
Pigouvian taxes
Labor standards.

How to Cite

RASHID, M. M. (2020). Exploitation in a disruptive and unjust gig-economy. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 7(3), 163–169. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v7i3.2099


Abstract. The purpose of this report is an appraisal of the gig economy; educating and informing an academic audience of the faults that exist and how these faults lead to exploitation and unjustness in the gig economy. During the writing process, I researched the academic articles and books related to the gig economy and exploitation, enabling myself to form a solid foundation from which to conduct further research. In addition, work was conducted to synthesize the journal articles, online resources and books. The scope of this report examines the corpus of the text relating to the gig economy and exploitation and I emphasize some of the ways the writers manage to display the exploitation and the unjustness in the gig economy.

Keywords. Gig-economy, Disruptive technologies, Externalities, Pigouvian taxes, Labor standards.

JEL. A13, J01, K31, O30.



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