The Covid-19 impact on digital & e-commerce



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POUYE, M. B. (2021). The Covid-19 impact on digital & e-commerce. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 8(2), 82–96.


Abstract. We live in a time when technologies are taking more and more place in our daily lives. E-commerce is a perfect illustration of this fact because it allows customers from all countries to buy different types of products and services in a very fast and simple way. Today, with the rapid development of digital; Big data, artificial intelligence, IoT, blockchain... words that still seemed barbaric a few years ago, occupy a prominent place in the digital tools we use every day. That is why at a time when Covid-19 is affecting the whole world, it is interesting to ask what is the place of digital and new technologies in the health crisis? What are they for when all means are good for fighting the virus? Moreover, in addition to the development of the internet and the use of digital tools, the changes noted on consumer behavior attract the attention of specialists who are trying to understand these changes; traditional purchases of customers are becoming increasingly rare, leaving room for web activities or electronic commerce. The only reason behind this fact is that customers can now choose their product with their fingertips across the globe. So due to the covid19 pandemic, e-commerce activities are also facing unexpected challenges. This study will focus on the impact of digital in the fight against covid-19 on the one hand, but also and especially on e-commerce activities and the sudden change in demand on the other.

Keywords. Technologies, E-Commerce, Pandemic, Covid19.

JEL. F21, F68, O53, K23.


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